Wypthar's Tomb is a roguelike dungeon crawler I've been developing on the side for the past couple years. Wypthar's Tomb features procedurally-generated levels (look out for a blog post about this soon...), a variety of interesting boss fights, a spell crafting system that allows for unique problem-solving, interesting environment interactions, and more. It's definitely been an on-and-off development process due to school and life, but I enjoy working on it when I have time. Initially, Wypthar's Tomb was developed by just me. However, my friend Will has since joined in, mostly to develop art but also to work on design and a bit of programming. We are using the Godot game engine.

I have some screenshots and GIF's from Wypthar's Tomb below. Someday we'll release a polished demo...

Fighting enemies in an Open Cave Level

Navigating a Maze Level

Using the environment to defeat an enemy

An epic battle with the first boss, Skeleking!

Dying to poisonous spiders in a Dark Cave Level