Monster Mansion is a game I developed a few years back in Unreal Engine 4 for my Game Programming II (3D Game Programming) class at the University of North Texas. This was my first real 3D game and first project using Unreal Engine. It's a basic FPS game in which you must fight your way out of a mansion riddled with monsters, navigate through a forest maze, and defeat the boss. There aren't really any visual effects or animations since this was a project for a game programming class. The game is fairly simple, but it's a working FPS. There are enemies that follow and attack when you get close, an ammo and shooting system, and health packs and ammo reloads. The game also features a unique boss with a procedurally-generated maze.

I've included a video of the game below. While Monster Mansion is a fairly basic game, it did earn me an A in my Game Programming II class. I mostly work on 2D games, but I'd love to explore 3D more in the future. I have a few ideas I think would make for interesting games...