Tower Conquest, also known as Tower That Don't Like Each Other, is a game I developed with my friend Will when we were teenagers (around 16). Tower Conquest is a game in which you (the player) have a tower you must protect on one side of the screen, and the enemy has a tower you must attack on the other side of the screen. You must manage your currency to buy soldiers, upgrades, and more to defeat the enemy while protecting your tower. I've included some old videos and screenshots of the game below.

Looking back, Tower Conquest was actually a halfway decent game. We worked on it for quite a while - I wanna say at least a year. Will and I often stayed up until 1 in the morning working on the game. We had a lot of fun, and it was a great learning experience for both of us. This was the first non-trivial game project I undertook and actually finished. I learned a lot of general programming, game programming, and game design. It was definitely an amateur game, though. There were quite a few bugs I didn't notice; I definitely didn't know as much about testing at the time, nor was I as strong a programmer. There were some fundamental issues in the design of the game, and I added a lot of features at random. We were also very naive in releasing it with the hopes anyone would play it :) . Still, it was a great, fun learning experience.

I programmed Tower Conquest in C# using the MonoGame library, an open-source implementation of XNA.

Summoning a dragon to attack enemies

General gameplay footage showing the flow of the game, melee and ranged units, and a few spells

Defending the tower with a controllable archer