
I have two Bachelor's degrees, one in Computer Science and one in Mathematics. I also minored in Physics as an undergrad. I also have Master's degree in Computer Science. My Master's thesis is about the use of spatiotemporal data mining to understand causes of PM2.5 air pollution.

I've been programming since I was a teenager, so majoring in Computer Science was a natural choice. I've also always been good at and enjoyed math, and I had a lot of math credit from high school. Also, I had a full-ride scholarship good for up to four years as an undergrad. So, I decided to take advantage of that and add Mathematics as a second major. I'm happy with that decision. Studying math has given me more tools in my toolbelt. More importantly, though, it's taught me to think mathematically. This has helped me tremendously in computer science, especially in more theory-heavy areas like algorithms.